Upcoming Classes

  • Sunday Mornings - 9:15-10:15, starting September 15 (10 weeks)

    Led by Mark Nienow and Ole Olson

    This study examines how followers of Jesus should consume media, especially news media, in a way that ends up with greater love for God and our neighbor. 

  • Wednesday Evenings 6:30 - 7:45, Starting September 18 (10 weeks) 

    Led by Brian Carlson

    The Engagement Project is a follow-up to The Truth Project and features video-based teaching by Del Tackett. The Engagement Project's ten tours will again take us on a marvelous quest of seeking the face of God and, as best as He will allow, to gaze upon the Crown Jewel in His nature—it will lead believers to know Him more deeply and then to understand who we truly are, why we are still here, and what God has asked us to do.

  • Wednesday Evenings 6:30 - 7:45 Starting September 18

    Led by Andreia, Karla, Kim, and Sue

    Study on the Gospel of Mark, focusing on learning tools and resources for deeper study.escription text goes here